Stick Shift Clutch Engagement Controllers Found on the Web...
Clutch engagement rate is one of the most critical adjustments for a stick shift car, as proper engagement rate is basically what brings the engine and chassis together as an efficient package. A controlled engagement rate will also reduce peak impact loads sent to your drivetrain, which means less wear/tear and broken parts. There are fundamental differences in function of the various different types of clutch engagement rate control devices out there, here's some compiled info and links to help you decide which one is best for you.
Simple DIY Directional Flow Control Valve…
Tilton Flow Control Valve…
...As of 3/18/22, listed @ $165.73 @ Summit Racing.
ClutchMasters Clutch Control Valve…
...As of 3/18/2022, listed @ $199.00 on
SWS Motorsports Launch Control Solenoid…
Magnus Launch Control Device…
Links to other versions of the same basic valve...
Mcleod Line Launch Device…
NXT SHIFT's Mansbrake…
BangShift Billy Clutch Hit Controller…
Original "ClutchTamer" Clutch Hit Controller…
Hitmaster Clutch Hit Control Valve…
Hitmaster Clutch Hit Control System…
Hitmaster System Combined With Original "ClutchTamer" Clutch Hit Controller…
...A very inexpensive clutch engagement control valve that can be made with mostly hardware store materials.
Inlet and outlet fittings in the pic are inverted flare, but since they screw into a 1/8npt brass "T" you could also substitute AN or JIC fittings. A nitrous fitting is seated against the inlet fitting with a spring. The inlet fitting is modified with a slight chamfer for the nitrous jet to seat against. When fluid travels from the master, it blows the nitrous jet off it's seat, so fluid flows freely around the jet. When fluid returns from the slave, the flow seats the jet, forcing fluid to flow thru the jet's orifice, which in-turn slows clutch engagement. On the other end, a simple pipe plug is installed behind the spring.
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...return flow rate can be adjusted by changing the nitrous jet.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock.
...can eliminate wheel hop.
...makes a dead hook launch possible without bogging the engine.
Downsides... instant hit adjustment
...adjusting the bleed rate (changing the nitrous jet) requires opening and re-bleeding the system.
...driver cannot make last second adjustments prior to launch.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch to minimize the reaction time increase.
…slow reaction can cause excessive clutch slip after shifts made using the clutch pedal. restriction can cause excess fluid to be drawn past MC piston seals during the clutch pedal's return stroke, which can cause a "pump-up" effect that results in "missed shifts" and excessive clutch slip when clutch pedal strokes come in quick succession (drag race setting).
...Here's a link to Tilton's version...
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock.
...can eliminate wheel hop.
...makes dead hook radial launch possible without bogging the engine.
Downsides... instant hit adjustment
...driver cannot make last second adjustments prior to launch.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch to minimize the reaction time increase.
…slow reaction can cause excessive clutch slip after quick shifts.
...adjusting the bleed rate (changing the internal restriction size) requires re-bleeding the system. restriction can cause excess fluid to be drawn past MC piston seals during the clutch pedal's return stroke, which can cause a "pump-up" effect that results in "missed shifts" and excessive clutch slip when clutch pedal strokes come in quick succession (drag race setting).
...Here's a link to the ClutchMasters version...
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...easy to change jet sizes with minimal fluid loss.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock.
...can eliminate wheel hop.
...makes dead hook launch possible without bogging the engine.
Downsides... instant hit adjustment.
...driver cannot make last second adjustments prior to launch.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch to minimize the reaction time increase.
…slow return flow causes excessive clutch slip after quick shifts. restriction can cause excess fluid to be drawn past MC piston seals during the clutch pedal's return stroke, which can cause a "pump-up" effect that results in "missed shifts" and excessive clutch slip when clutch pedal strokes come in quick succession (drag race setting).
...Here's a link to the SWS Motorsports launch control solenoid...
Same basic function as the Magnus/CFM/MAP versions listed below, except arranged in a slightly different configuration and uses a less expensive flow control valve.
...As of 3/3/2022, listed @ $213.05
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock on launch.
...clutch engagement speed is adjustable by rotating a dial, no need to bleed the system when making adjustments.
...bypass solenoid eliminates excessive clutch slip after the shifts.
...less clutch release "pump-up" effect, as the bypass solenoid can be controlled by an ecu or timer.
Downsides... instant hit adjustment.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch if minimum reaction time is important.
...clutch hit is not as sharp as it could be, single adjustment forces compromise between reaction time and sweet spot duration.
...clutch hit after the shifts is not controlled.
...Here's a link to the Magnus Launch Control Device...
You can also add a bypass solenoid to the Tilton and ClutchMasters units to get similar results, although they lack having a dial adjustment.
...As of 3/18/2022, listed @ $345 for the standard version, $525 for the Pro version on
...CFM version-
...MAP version-
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock on launch.
...clutch engagement speed is adjustable by rotating a dial, no need to bleed the system when making adjustments.
...bypass solenoid eliminates excessive clutch slip after the shifts.
...less clutch release "pump-up" effect, as the bypass solenoid can be controlled by an ecu or timer.
...Magnus has a PRO version available, which offers improved resolution over their original version's bleed rate adjustment.
Downsides... instant hit adjustment.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch if minimum reaction time is important.
...clutch hit is not as sharp as it could be, single adjustment forces compromise between reaction time and sweet spot duration.
...clutch hit after the shifts is not controlled.
...A valve that effectively holds the clutch pedal down prior to launch, allowing you to leave from a button instead of your foot.
Similar to launching by releasing a trans brake button.
Here's a link to the Mcleod Line Launch found on the web-
...As of 11/30/2021, listed @ $365.75 on
Here's a link to a functionally similar valve offered by MPS-
...easy to install.
...instant release.
...button release allows using commonly available electronic delay devices for launch.
...some find a button release gives them a more consistent reaction time.
...does not soften clutch engagement. adjustable hit point.
...does not prevent bog or control excessive spin.
...button clutch pedal release is not legal at many stick shift events.
...doesn't seem to be available, may no longer be in production.
...A valve that effectively holds the clutch pedal down prior to launch, allows you to leave with button instead of your foot.
Similar to launching by releasing a trans brake button. Also features adjustable clutch engagement rate.
Here's a link to the Mansbrake information page-
...As of 11/30/2021, listed @ $499.99 on
...easy to install.
...button release allows using commonly available electronic delay devices for launch.
...some find a button release gives them a more consistent reaction time.
...adjustable fluid return flow rate.
...softens clutch engagement, helps prevent wheelhop and broken drivetrain parts.
Downsides... adjustable hit point.
...requires "pre-loading" the clutch prior to launch if minimum reaction time is important.
...clutch hit after the shifts is not controlled, making it possible to get wheelhop after the 1/2 shift.
...button clutch pedal release is not legal at many stick shift events.
...doesn't seem to be available, may no longer be in production.
BangShiftBilly uses solenoid cycle time to create an adjustable hit point, basically you dump the clutch and some fluid returns before the solenoid interrupts fluid return flow momentarily, which gives you some dwell time in the clutch's sweet spot. It is programmed via a bluetooth phone app.
Here's a link to the Bangshift Billy information page-
...As of 11/30/2021, listed @ $875.00 on
...relatively easy in-line install between clutch master cyl and hydraulic throwout bearing or slave cylinder.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock on launch.
...instant phone app adjustable hit point. app adjustable sweet spot dwell time. need to bleed the system when making adjustments. need to pre-load the clutch to minimize reaction time.
...minimal clutch release "pump-up" effect after the shifts, as the system is set up to function on launch only.
...uncontrolled hit after the shifts can knock radials loose, tuner may have to pull power after the shift to compensate.
...almost impossible to make last second programming adjustments prior to launch with your gloves on,
A small self-contained clutch hit control system that acts directly upon your car's clutch pedal.
ClutchTamer Information Page- CLICK HERE
...As of 3/3/2022, listed @ $199.00 on
...inexpensive and simple to install on most vehicles.
...some application specific, as well as universal bracket sets available.
...adjustable hit point.
...very cost-effective way to improve your ET while also protecting your drivetrain.
...requires no electrical connections. system bleeding required. equally well on mechanical linkage, cable release, and hydraulic clutch release systems.
...minor install fabrication may be required.
...adjustments can be counter-intuitive.
The Hitmaster is unique patent-pending initial hit valve that makes it possible to precisely place the throwout bearing in the clutch's sweet spot location during launch based on clutch fluid return flow volume. Using fluid return flow volume, rather than return flow timing, makes the clutch hit tune immune to system pressure variations. System fluid pressure can vary a bit with rpm due to centrifugal forces acting on the pressure plate fingers, and those pressure changes affect systems that rely on fluid flow timing to place the throwout bearing in the correct spot during launch. With the Hitmaster valve controlling the hit, launch rpm variations won't affect the clutch's initial hit setting. This valve can be used to add an adjustable hit point to the SWS/Magnus/CFM/MAP systems simply by replacing their flow control valve with the Hitmaster valve.
...As of 3/3/2022, Hitmaster valve only listed @ $299.00 on
The Hitmaster system is unique 2-stage clutch hit controller that it uses adjustable fluid return volume to momentarily stop fluid return flow in the clutch's sweet spot, which makes it very consistent vs temperature/pressure swings. An adjustable timer controls the clutch's sweet spot dwell time. An optional shift timer allows the system to be effectively utilized after the shifts, which can eliminate wheelspeed spikes and improve post shift inertia recovery. Components of the Hitmaster basic system are the Hitmaster valve, Transition valve, and Transition timer.
Hitmaster Information Page- CLICK HERE
...As of 3/3/2022, Hitmaster Basic System listed @ $427.00 on
...adjustable hit point.
...adjustable sweet spot dwell time.
...protects drivetrain from excessive shock on launch by adding an adjustable 1st stage of soft initial clutch engagement. need to pre-load the clutch to minimize reaction time.
...Hitmaster valve can be used to upgrade an existing system like the Magnus, giving that system an adjustable hit point. need to bleed the system when making hit adjustments.
...easy to make last second clutch hit adjustments with your gloves on.
...can be set up to activate on launch only, but can also be set up to be active on launch + shifts.
...Works VERY WELL with boosted and nitrous applications.
...can be difficult to bleed initially.
...Hitmaster valve cannot be plumbed with hard lines, it must be connected with hoses to facilitate bleeding.
Combining these two unique types of clutch hit controllers makes it possible to create more complex clutch engagement profiles. As an example, a car with poor weight distribution can create a softer initial engagement profile, which gives the car a little extra time to transfer weight before the clutch reaches 2nd stage clamp pressure. This can be a big advantage for a car with prep'd track weight distribution that's wanting to run on a no-prep track.
The phone number for ClutchTamer / Hitmaster technical information is 360-391-1208
email address-